The Club is committed to providing the opportunity for all its members to develop their Swimming skills to the highest level they wish to attain either at Club, County, Regional or National competition. The Club welcomes anyone and is committed to treat everyone equally as per our Club constitution. The Club will provide suitably qualified staff at the different levels of Teaching and Coaching and will follow its Coaching policy and recognise and implement progression though the various development stages. The Club will be mindful at all times of it’s responsibilities for its Members particularly the welfare of children and will to the best of its ability ensure all its activities are held in a secure environment. The club will have in place Codes of Conduct for Swimmers and Parents which will apply both in our home Pool and whenever travelling away. The Officers and Committee Penzance S.A & W.P.C


September 2008 June 2013 Revision 2 CONSTITUTION ( “Rules”) of PENZANCE SWIMMING ASSOCIATION (“the Club”) as at June 10th 2016

1. Name 1.1 The name of the Club shall be Penzance Swimming Association

2. Objects 2.1 The objects of the Club shall be the teaching, development and practice of swimming, diving, synchro, open water, water polo for its members and shall, where appropriate, be to compete. In the furtherance of these objects: 2.1.1 The Club is committed to treating everyone equally within the context of its activity and with due respect to the differences of individuals. It shall not apply nor endorse unlawful or unjustified discrimination, and shall act in compliance with the protections afforded by the Equality Act 2010. 2.1.2 The Club shall implement the A.S.A. Equality Policy (as may be amended from time to time). 2.2 The Club shall be affiliated to ASA SOUTH WEST Region, and shall adopt and conform to the rules of this Association, and to such other bodies as the Club may determine from time to time. 2.3 The business and affairs of the Club shall at all times be conducted in accordance with the Laws, Regulations and Technical Rules of the A.S.A. (“A.S.A. Laws”) and in particular: 2.3.1 all competing members shall be eligible competitors as defined in A.S.A. Laws; and 2.3.2 the Club shall in accordance with A.S.A. Laws adopt the A.S.A. Child Safeguarding Policy, Regulations and Procedures; and shall recognise that the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility and that all children and young people have a right to have fun, be safe and be protected from harm. 2.3.3 members of the Club shall in accordance with A.S.A. Laws comply with the A.S.A. Child Safeguarding Policy, Regulations and Procedures. 2.4 By virtue of the affiliation of the Club to ASA SOUTH WEST Region, the Club and all members of the Club acknowledge that they are subject to the laws, regulations, rules and constitutions of: 2.4.1 ASA SOUTH WEST Region and CORNWALL A.S.A 2.4.2 the A.S.A. (to include the A.S.A./IOS Code of Ethics); and 2.4.3 British Swimming (in particular its Anti-Doping Rules and Judicial Code); and 2.4.4 FINA, the world governing body for the sport of swimming in all its disciplines (together “the Governing Body Rules”). 2.5 In the event that there shall be any conflict between any rule or by-law of the Club and any of the Governing Body Rules then the relevant Governing Body Rule shall prevail.

3. Membership 3.1 The total membership of the Club shall not normally be limited. If however the Committee considers that there is a good reason to impose any limit from time to time then the Committee shall put forward appropriate proposals for consideration at a General Meeting of the Club. The members shall have the right to impose (and remove) from time to time any limits on total membership (or any category of membership) of the Club. 3.2 All persons who assist in any way with the Club’s activities shall become members of the Club and hence of the A.S.A. and the relevant A.S.A. membership fee shall be paid by the Club.. September 2008 June 2013 Revision 3 Assisting with the Club’s activities shall include, but not be restricted to, administrators, associate members, voluntary instructors, teachers and coaches, Committee members, helpers, Honorary members, life members, Officers, patrons, Presidents, technical and non-technical officials, temporary members, Vice Presidents and verifiers or tutors of the A.S.A.’s educational certificates. 3.3 Paid instructors, teachers and coaches who are not members of the Club must be members of a body which accepts that its members are bound by the A.S.A.’s Code of Ethics, the Laws and Regulations relating to Child Protection and those parts of the Judicial Laws, Judicial Regulations and procedures necessary for their implementation and whilst engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of the A.S.A. shall be subject to all the constraints and privileges of the Judicial Laws and Regulations. 3.4 Any person who wishes to become a member of the Club must submit a signed application to the Secretary (and in the case of a junior swimmer the application must be signed by the swimmer’s parent or guardian). Election to membership shall be determined by the Membership Officer but other person(s) authorised by the Committee may make recommendation as to the applicant’s acceptability. 3.5 A Parent or Guardian of all Club members under the Age of Sixteen will have the option to become a member of the Club and hence the ASA and the relevant ASA membership fee will be paid by the Parent/Guardian. 3.6 The Membership Officer shall be required to give reasons for the refusal of any application for membership. Any person refused membership may seek a review of this decision before a Review Panel appointed by the Committee, comprised of not less than three members (who may or may not be members of the Committee). The Review Panel shall, wherever practicable, include one independent member nominated by the ASA SOUTH WEST Region. The person refused membership shall be entitled to make representations to the Review Panel. The procedures for review shall be at the discretion of the Review Panel whose decision shall be final and binding. 3.7 In its consideration of applications for membership, the Club shall not act in a discriminatory manner and in particular, shall adhere to the Equality Act 2010 (as may be amended). Accordingly, the Club shall not refuse membership on the basis of a Protected Characteristic within the Act, such as disability; gender or gender identity; pregnancy; race; religion or belief; or sexual orientation. Neither may refusal be made on the grounds of political persuasion. 3.8 The Club may refuse membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or the sport into disrepute, or, in the case of a swimmer, being unable to achieve the entry standards as laid down and provided by the Club to the applicant for membership.

4. Subscription and Other Fees 4.1 The annual members’ subscription and coaching and squad fees (as applicable) shall be determined from time to time by the Committee and the Committee shall in so doing make special provision for different classes of membership as it shall determine. 4.2 The annual subscription and entrance fee (if any) shall be due on joining the Club and thereafter on the 1st day of September each year. 4.3 Any member whose subscription is unpaid by the date falling 30 days after the due date for payment may be suspended by the Committee from some or all Club activities from a date to be determined by the Committee and until such payment is made. 4.4 The Committee shall, from time to time, have the power to determine the annual membership subscription and other fees. This shall include the power to make such increase in the September 2008 June 2013 Revision 4 subscription as shall, where the Club pays the individual A.S.A. Membership Fees to the A.S.A. on behalf of members, be consequential upon an increase in individual A.S.A. membership fees. Any increase in subscriptions shall be advised to the members in writing with the reasons for any increase to be reported to the members at the next Annual General Meeting. 4.5 The Executive Officers (or the Committee) shall have the power in special circumstances to remit the whole or part of the fees, including the A.S.A. membership fees, to address issues of social inclusion.

5. Resignation 5.1 A member wishing to resign membership of the Club must give to the Secretary written notice or by e-mail of his/her resignation. A member’s resignation shall only take effect when this (Rule 5.1) has been complied with. 5.2 The member who resigns from the Club in accordance with Rule 5.1 above shall not be entitled to have any part of the annual membership fee or any other fees returned. 5.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 5.1 above a member whose subscription is more than two months in arrear shall be deemed to have resigned. Where the membership of a member shall be terminated in this way he/she shall be informed in writing that he/she is no longer a member by notice handed to him/her or sent by post to his/her last known address. 5.4 The A.S.A. Membership Department shall be informed should a member resign when still owing money or goods to the Club.

6. Expulsion and Other Disciplinary Action 6.1 The Committee shall have power to expel a member when, in its opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for the individual to remain a member. The Club in exercising this power shall comply with the provisions of Rules 6.3 and 6.4 below. 6.2 Upon expulsion the former member shall not be entitled to have any part of the annual membership fee refunded and must return any Club or external body’s trophy or trophies held forthwith. Clubs in exercising this power are required to comply with the provision of Rules 6.3 and 6.4 below. 6.3 The Club shall comply with the relevant Judicial Regulations for handling Internal Club Disputes (“the Rules”) as the same may be revised from time to time. (A copy of the current Rules may be obtained online via the ASA or from the A.S.A. Department of Legal Affairs). 6.4 A member may not be expelled or (subject to Rule 6.5 below) be made the subject of any other penalty unless the panel hearing the complaint shall by a two-thirds majority vote in favour of the expulsion of (or other penalty imposed upon) the member. 6.5 The Officers of the Club (or any person to whom the Committee shall delegate this power) may temporarily suspend or exclude a member from particular training sessions and/or wider club activities, when in their opinion, such action is in the interests of the Club. Where such action is taken the incident or matter will thereafter be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate Judicial Regulations.

7. Committee 7.1 The Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer (together “the Executive Officers of the Club”), Assistant Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Competition Secretary, Water Polo Secretary, Coach/Teacher Representative, and up to six additional elected Members, all of September 2008 June 2013 Revision 5 whom shall be Members of the Club and not less than 18 years of age, although the Committee may allow younger members to attend their meetings without a vote. The Clubs Publicity Officer and Equipment Officer to be appointed from Club members who may or may not be Committee members. 7.2 The Club Welfare Officer must be not less than 18 years of age, should have an appropriate background, and is required to undertake appropriate training in accordance with A.S.A Child Safeguarding courses and will be a NON Coaching/Teaching member of the Club. They will attend Committee meetings either if they wish to do so for any relevant issue or if required to do so by the Committee. 7.3 The Committee members shall be proposed seconded and elected at the Annual General Meeting each year and shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the next Annual General Meeting and will take office following closure of the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancy occurring by resignation or otherwise may be filled by the Committee. Retiring Executive Officers and members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. 7.4 Committee meetings shall be held not less than every TWO months (save where the Committee itself shall by a simple majority resolve not to meet), and the quorum of that meeting shall be Seven (to include TWO Executive Officers). The Chairman and the Secretary shall have discretion to call further meetings of the Committee if they consider it to be in the interests of the Club. The Secretary shall give all the members of the Committee not less than two days oral or e-mail notice of a meeting. Decisions of the Committee shall be made by a simple majority (and in the event of equality of votes the Chairman (or the acting Chairman of that meeting) shall have a casting or additional vote.) The Secretary, or in his/her absence a member of the Committee, shall take minutes. 7.5 In the event that a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the published start time, a meeting shall stand adjourned to the time and date falling seven days after the date of the meeting, or such other date and time as may be determined by the Chairperson. If a quorum is not present at the adjourned meeting then those Committee members attending (providing there are a minimum of four including TWO Executive Officers), may act for the purpose of resolving any URGENT issues. If this situation arises more than once in any swimming year then a Special General Meeting shall be called to determine the reason and if necessary change the format of the Committee. 7.6 In addition to the members so elected the Committee may co-opt up to four further members of the Club who shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Co-opted members shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of the Committee and shall be counted in establishing whether a quorum is present. 7.7 The Committee may from time to time appoint from among their number such sub-committees as they may consider necessary (and to remove (in whole or in part) or vary the terms of reference of such sub-committees) and may delegate to them such of the powers and duties of the Committee as the Committee may determine. All sub-committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the directions of the Committee. 7.8 The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Club and shall have the sole right of appointing and determining the terms and conditions of service of employees of the Club. The Committee shall have power to enter into contracts for the purposes of the Club on behalf of all the members of the Club. The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the Accounts of the Club for each financial year be examined by an independent examiner to be appointed by the members at the Annual General Meeting. 7.9 The members of the Committee shall be indemnified by the members of the Club against all liabilities properly incurred by them in the management of the affairs of the Club. September 2008 June 2013 Revision 6 7.10 The Committee shall maintain an Accident Book in which all accidents to Club members at swimming related activities shall be recorded. Details of such accidents shall be reported to the A.S.A. Membership Department. The Club shall make an annual return to the A.S.A. Membership Department indicating whether or not an entry has been made in the prescribed form, which is to be found on the membership renewal form. 7.11 The Committee shall have power to make regulations, create by-laws (see Rule 13.1) and to settle disputed points not otherwise provided for in this Constitution.

8. Ceremonial Positions and Honorary Members/Life Members 8.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club, if it thinks fit may elect a President and Vice-Presidents. A President or Vice-President need not be a member of the Club, but on election shall, ex officio, be an honorary member of the Club and must be included in the Club’s Annual Return of Members to the A.S.A.. The Annual General Meeting of the Club may elect a member who they think fit as a Life Member, who shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership including the right to vote at the Annual General meeting and any Special General meeting and must be included in the Club’s Annual Return of members of the A.S.A. 8.2 The Committee may elect any person as an honorary member of the Club for such period as it thinks fit and they shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership except that they shall not be entitled to vote at meetings and serve as Officers or on the Committee unless any such person shall have retained in addition their ordinary membership of the Club. Such honorary members must be included in the Club’s annual return as to membership.

9. Annual General Meeting 9.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year on a date in May or June. The date, time and venue for the Annual General Meeting shall be fixed by the Committee. 9.2 The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to transact the following business: 9.2.1 to receive the Chairman’s report of the activities of the Club during the previous year; 9.2.2 to receive and consider the accounts of the Club for the previous year and the report on the accounts of the independent examiner and the Treasurer's report as to the financial position of the Club; .3 To remove and elect the independent examiner (who must not be a member of the Committee or a member of the family of a member of the Committee) or confirm that he/she remain in office; .4 to elect the Executive Officers and other members of the Committee; .5 to decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted in accordance with Rule 9.3; .6 to elect Life Members and /or Honorary Members; .7 Appointment/Re-Appointment of Head Coach and Assistant Head Coach every Two years. 9.3 Nominations for election of members to any office or for membership of the Committee shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder to the Secretary not later than 14 days prior to the A.G.M. The nominee shall be required to indicate in writing on the nomination form his/her willingness to stand for election. September 2008 June 2013 Revision 7 9.4 Notice of any resolution proposed to be moved at the Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing or via e-mail to the Secretary not later than 21 days prior to the A.G.M. 9.5 Nominations for Executive Officers and Committee members may be sent out with notice of the A.G.M if available or put forward at the A.G.M. In the absence of nominations received prior to the A.G.M they made be made from the floor.

10. Special General Meeting .1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Club within 28 days of receipt by the Secretary of a requisition in w r i t i n g signed by not less than seven members entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting o r , i f greater, such number as represents one-tenth in number of such members, stating the purposes for which the meeting is required and the resolutions proposed.

11. Procedure at the Annual and Special General Meetings 11.1 The Secretary shall personally be responsible for the handing out or sending to each member at his/her last known address a written agenda giving notice of the date, time and place of the General Meeting together with the resolutions to be proposed thereat at least fourteen days before the meeting and in the case of the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary may, alternatively, with the agreement of member(s) concerned distribute these materials by e-mail or similar form of communication. The Notice of Meeting shall in addition wherever possible be displayed on the Club Notice Board where one exists and in the Local Newspaper 11.2 The quorum for the Annual and Special General Meetings shall be TEN members entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting or, if greater, such number as represents one-tenth in number of such members. 11.3 The Chairman, or in the Chairman’s absence a member appointed by the Committee, shall take the chair. Each member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority. For the procedures for submitting resolutions to be considered at a General Meeting members are referred to Rule 9.3. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting or additional vote. Only paid up members who have reached their 16th birthday shall be entitled to be heard and to vote on all matters. (Members who have not reached their 16th birthday shall be entitled to be heard and vote only on those matters determined by the Chairman as matters concerning juniors, such as the election of club captains.) 11.4 The Secretary, or in his/her absence a member of the Committee, shall take minutes at the Annual and Special General Meetings. 11.5 The Chairman shall at all General Meetings have unlimited authority upon every question of order and shall be, for the purpose of such meeting, the sole interpreter of the Rules of the Club.

12. Alteration of the Rules and Other Resolutions 12.1 The Rules may be altered by resolution at an Annual or Special General Meeting provided that the resolution is carried by a majority of at least (two-thirds) of members present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting. No amendment(s) to the Rules shall become effective until such amendment(s) shall have been submitted to and validated by such person as is authorised to do so by Cornwall ASA and/ASA WEST Region. 12.2 Any member entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting] shall be entitled to put any proposal for consideration at any General Meeting provided the proposal in writing shall have September 2008 June 2013 Revision 8 been handed to or posted to or sent by e-mail to the Secretary of the Club so as to be received by him/her not later than 21 days in the case of the Annual General Meeting or, in the case of a Special General Meeting, 21 days before the date of the meeting and thereafter the Secretary shall supply a copy of the proposal or resolution to the members in the manner provided in Rule 11.1.

13. By-Laws 13.1 The Committee shall have power to make, repeal and amend such by-laws as they may from time to time consider necessary for the wellbeing of the Club which by-laws, repeals and amendments shall have effect until set aside by the Committee or at a Special General Meeting.

14. Finance 14.1 All moneys payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in a bank account in the name of the Club. No sum shall be drawn from that account except by cheque or online transfer signed/authorised by two signatories who shall be the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer or any other named Officer or Committee member. Any monies not required for immediate use may be invested as the Committee in its discretion think fit. 14.2 The income and property of the Club shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the Club and no part thereof shall be paid by way of bonus, dividend or profit to any members of the Club, (save as set out in Rule 17.3.). 14.3 The Committee shall have power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses to any Officer, member or employee of the Club and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the Club. 14.4 The financial transactions of the Club shall be recorded by the Treasurer in such manner as the Committee thinks fit. 14.5 The financial year of the Club shall be the period commencing on the 1st day of April and ending on the 31st March. Any change to the financial year shall require the approval of the members in a General Meeting. 14.6 The Committee shall retain all financial records relating to the club and copies of Minutes of all meetings for a minimum period of six years.

15. Borrowing 15.1 The Committee may borrow money on behalf of the Club for the purposes of the Club from time to time at their own discretion (up to such limits on borrowing as may be laid down from time to time by the General Meeting) for the general upkeep of the Club or with the (prior) approval of a General Meeting for any other expenditure, additions or improvements. 15.2 When so borrowing the Committee shall have power to raise in any way any sum or sums of money and to raise and secure the repayment of any sums or sums of money in such manner or on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and in particular by mortgage of or charge upon or by the issues of debentures charged upon all or any part of the property of the Club. 15.3 The Committee shall have no power to pledge the personal liability of any member of the Club for the repayment of any sums so borrowed.

16. Property 16.1 The property of the Club, other than cash at the bank, shall be vested in not more than four Custodians. They shall deal with the property as directed by resolution of the Committee and September 2008 June 2013 Revision 9 entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence of such a resolution. 16.2 The Custodians shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club and shall hold office until death or resignation unless removed by a resolution passed at a General Meeting. 16.3 The Custodians shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the property of the Club for all expenses and other liabilities properly incurred by them in the discharge of their duties.

17. Dissolution 17.1 A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present and entitled to vote. A specific date for the dissolution shall be included in the resolution. 17.2 The dissolution shall take effect from the date specified in the resolution and the members of the Committee shall be responsible for the winding-up of the assets and liabilities of the Club. 17.3 Any property remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be given to a charity or charities (or other non-profit making organisation having objects similar to those of the Club for the furtherance of such objects) nominated by the last Committee. (see Guidance Notes regarding Taxation).

18. Acknowledgement 18.1 The Members acknowledge that these Rules constitute a legally binding contract to regulate the relationship of the members with each other and the Club. 18.2 The following statement must appear on Club membership forms and is to be signed by the member. It must also be countersigned by the parent, or a person having parental responsibility for the member, if under 16 years of age: “I acknowledge that I have seen the Constitution (“the Rules”) and received a copy of the Code of Conduct of Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club and confirm my understanding and acceptance that such rules and code of conduct (as amended from time to time) shall govern my membership of the Club. I further acknowledge and accept the responsibilities of membership upon members as set out in these rules.” Copies of the Constitution (“the Rules”) and Code of Conduct may also be seen online at the Club web site.

Safeguarding Children

…supplementary procedures Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club (This policy now includes the use of Images, cameras and mobile phones within the pool setting) Policy statement: The club will work with children, parents (including guardians) and associated members to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best opportunities within the club and this procedure is supplementary to adhering to the content of the current ASA Wavepower document. Introduction: PZ SA & WPC believes that children have the right to be completely secure from both the fear and reality of abuse and we are committed to protecting all the children in our care from harm. We adhere to the content of the Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and ASA Wavepower. In all aspects of our safeguarding practice we adhere to the aforementioned protocols and follow the procedures on the website. To ensure immediate access to the procedures, we have a shortcut to those procedures on the office desktop. We also have a copy of, and adhere to the summary, ‘What do you do if you are Worried a Child is being abused’ March 2015 publication. Aim: The aim of PZ SA & WPC is to ensure as far as is possible that anyone, paid or voluntary, who seeks to work with children and young people through the Club’s activities and who gains substantial access to them thereby is as safe to do so in Child Protection terms as can be guaranteed. Our Designated Child Protection Officer is Mrs. Caz Brixton – 07821 248833 In her absence Deputy Child Protection Officer; Kai Maddern is the designated person Email: These Officers have suitable experience, training and expertise, and will be responsible for liaising with the Multi Agency Referral Unit, the Local Safeguarding Children Board and Ofsted in any child protection matter. Our principles: 1. Our policy affects all children (including vulnerable groups) and aims to identify and prevent maltreatment, or impairment of health or development, and ensure children are growing up in circumstances consistent with safe and effective care. 2. Our activity is proactive work that aims to target groups. 3. Our responsive work to protect children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, harm including: • Children abused and neglected within families, including those harmed: o In the context of domestic violence Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 2 | Page o As a consequence of the impact of substance misuse • Children abused outside families by adults known to them Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 3 | Page • Children abused and neglected by professional carers, within institutional settings, or anywhere else where children are cared for away from home • Children abused by strangers • Children abused by other young people • Young perpetrators of abuse • Children abused through prostitution. Staffing and operational commitments: • Applicants and Volunteers are informed of the need to carry out Enhanced DBS checks. • Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information. • We abide by DBS requirements in respect of references and DBS checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unsuitable person works at the setting or has access to the children. • We abide by the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act requirements in respect of any person who is dismissed from our employment or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have lead to dismissal for reasons of child protection concern. • Registers are taken poolside and uploaded onto a database. • We take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes onto poolside throughout the sessions, with the assistance of Leisure Centre staff. • Staff are required to sign an annual declaration stating that there are no changes to their original DBS information disclosed. Recognising Child Abuse: There are four different types of abuse: physical, neglect, emotional (including Domestic Abuse), and sexual. Child abuse manifests itself in a variety of different ways, some overt and others much less so. All staff and volunteers will have child protection training and will be vigilant to signs and evidence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect. To ensure that the Club’s staff, volunteers and parents have a consistent approach to identifying the FOUR DIFFERENT types of abuse, we use the LSCB handout in the safeguarding documents folder in the Club folder as a guide. We also use the website for more detailed information. Where signs and indicators raise cause for concern we adhere to the following: • The child's key person or session supervisor makes a dated record of the details of the concern and discusses what to do with the setting leader or manager who is acting as the 'designated person'. • We refer concerns to the Multi Agency Referral Unit and co-operate fully in any subsequent investigation. NB - in some cases this may mean the Police or another agency identified by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. • We take care not to influence the outcome either through the way we speak to children or by asking questions of children. • We use the Inter-agency referral form when making a referral. • We follow advice given by the Multi Agency Referral Unit and document all conversations. Conduct and Recording suspicions of abuse and disclosures: Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 4 | Page We use the LSCB handout, ‘Signs and Indicators’ and the website to ensure a consistent approach to identifying the four different types of abuse. Where a child makes comments to a member of staff that gives cause for concern (disclosure), observes signs or signals that gives cause for concern, such as significant changes in behaviour; deterioration in general well-being; unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse or neglect that member of staff: 1. Listens to the child, offers reassurance and gives assurance that she or he will take action; 2. does not question the child; 3. makes a written record that forms an objective record of the observation or disclosure that includes: 1. the child’s name; 2. the child address; 3. the age of the child; 4. the date and time of the observation or the disclosure; 5. the exact words spoken by the child as far as possible; 6. the name of the person to whom the concern was reported, with date and time; and 7. the names of any other person present at the time. 8. An objective, factual and accurate record of the disclosure 9. The name of any other person present at the time who should also write a report on the incident in question. ALL records are signed, dated and stored securely. It is not our responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation within the setting. Making a referral: We follow the guidance written on the Club’s referral form and by using the inter agency child protection form. We keep a copy of this document and follow the detailed guidelines given. All members of staff know the procedures for recording and reporting, using the safeguarding concerns form in the grey box file on site. Informing parents/working with parents: Parents are normally the first point of contact. If a suspicion of abuse is recorded, parents are informed at the same time as the report is made, except where the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board does not allow this. This will usually be the case where the parent is the likely abuser. In these cases the investigating officers will inform parents. As domestic abuse is now defined as Emotional Abuse for children, in the event of knowledge of domestic abuse, we will advise the parent to contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline number on or call 0808 2000 247 (female) or or call 0808 801 0327 (male) immediately for support. Failure of the victim to seek this support and advice will result in us making a safeguarding referral to the Multi Agency Referral Unit. Liaison with other agencies: Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 5 | Page We work within the Local Safeguarding Children Board guidelines. We have a copy of 'What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused' for parents and staff and all staff are familiar with what to do if they have concerns. We have procedures for contacting the local authority on child protection issues, including the Multi Agency Referral Unit. We notify the ASA of any incident or accident and any changes in our arrangements which may affect the wellbeing of children immediately. If a referral is to be made to the Multi Agency Referral Unit (contact number 0300 1231 116), we act within the area’s Safeguarding Children and Child Protection guidance in deciding whether we must inform the child's parents at the same time. Allegations against staff, volunteers and coaches: • We ensure that all parents know how to complain about the behaviour or actions of staff or volunteers within the club, which may include an allegation of abuse. • We follow the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board website when responding to any complaint that a member of staff or volunteer within the club either on site or at other galas and events, has abused a child. • We respond to any disclosure by children or staff that abuse by a member of staff or volunteer within the club, may have taken, or is taking place, by first recording the details of any such alleged incident on the safeguarding concerns form. We refer any such complaint immediately to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on 01872 254549 and the ASA lead welfare person, Mac McDonald who is the County Welfare Officer. We document all stages and actions taken following the referral. • We co-operate entirely with any investigation carried out by children’s social care in conjunction with the police. • Where the ASA/children’s social care/LADO/DBS advise it is appropriate in the circumstances, the club will suspend the member of staff on full pay, or the volunteer, for the duration of the investigation, as advised by the LADO. This is not an indication of admission that the alleged incident has taken place, but is to protect the staff as well as children and families throughout the process. Disciplinary action: Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from the setting because of misconduct relating to a child or there is an allegation against a member of staff or volunteer, we make a referral to the ASA/the LADO IMMEDIATELY on 01872 254549 AND the DBS referral helpline on 01325 953795 We follow the guidance called: Making Safeguarding referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and Referral guide for Employers and volunteer managers that is available on the website. In addition we follow ASA Wavepower Disciplinary Code. Training: Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 6 | Page 1. We seek out training opportunities for all adults involved in the club to ensure that they are able to recognise the signs and signals of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and that they are aware of the local authority guidelines for making referrals. 2. We ensure that all staff and volunteers know the procedures for reporting and recording their concerns in the setting in line with ASA Wavepower and our club reporting protocols. Confidentiality: 1. All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. Any information is shared under the guidance of the ASA/Local Safeguarding Children Board. Support to families - Early Intervention/Integrated Working: 2. We use the Threshold Document as a guide to identify the four levels of need and appropriate service intervention to ensure families are referred to services in a timely way to reduce the need for a child protection referral. We will contact the Locality Team Early Help Co-Ordinator: contact details available on via the Multi Agency Advice Team, to discuss any concerns on Integrated Working. 3. We believe in building trusting and supportive relationships with families, staff and volunteers in the group. 4. We make clear to parents our role and responsibilities in relation to child protection, such as for the reporting of concerns, providing information, monitoring of the child, and liaising at all times with the local children’s social care team. 5. We will continue to welcome the child and the family whilst investigations are being made in relation to any alleged abuse. 6. We follow the Child Protection Plan as set by the child’s social care worker in relation to the setting's designated role and tasks in supporting that child and their family, subsequent to any investigation. 7. Confidential records kept on a child are shared with the child's parents or those who have parental responsibility for the child in accordance with the Confidentiality and Client Access to Records procedure and only if appropriate under the guidance of the ASA/Local Safeguarding Children Board. Creating Safe Environments to reduce risk: All staff and volunteers understand our child protection procedures and have had appropriate training and guidance in the principles of maintaining safe environments. To this end: • Every effort will be made to avoid or minimise time when members of staff or volunteers are left alone with a child. If staff are alone with a child, the door of the room should be kept open and another member of staff should be informed. • If a child makes inappropriate physical contact with a member of staff or volunteer, this will be recorded fully on a safeguarding concerns form. • Staff or volunteers will never carry out a personal task for children that they can do for themselves. Where this is essential, staff will help a child whilst being accompanied by a colleague. Unless a child has a particular need, staff should not accompany children into the toilet. Staff are aware that this and other similar activities could be misconstrued. Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 7 | Page • Staff will be mindful of how and where they touch children, given their age and emotional understanding. Unnecessary or potentially inappropriate physical contact will be avoided at all times. Use of Images, Cameras and Mobile Phones: The safety and welfare of the children within our care is of upmost importance. We use digital images and video in the day to day running of the club in some capacity as this can play a very important part in supporting children’s swimming development, as well as allowing parents/guardians to see “how their children progress”? Coaches may film training sessions in order to play back to the swimmer to aid correction of stroke/dive. We use images of children; 1. Our displays 2. For training purposes 3. The Club’s website and Facebook page. 4. In the Local media. As an ESSENTIAL safeguarding requirement, on Registration prior to a child starting, we ask parents/guardians to sign a club membership/medical form. We take photographs with digital camera only. Photographs are printed within the club for their required purpose and then deleted from the camera Unused photographs are also deleted. Photographs are stored securely by an authorised person of the club. All photographs that are no longer required are destroyed. Local Media/Website: Photographs of galas and special occasions maybe used in the Local media and/or on our website and Facebook page. Permission for the use of these photos is sought on our Club Membership/Medical Form which also details the conditions of consent. A record is kept of children whose parents/guardians have not given permission and we ensure that these children are not included. The Use of Cameras/Videos by Parents/guardians: Events maybe recorded by video and photographed by staff and parents/guardians if consent has been obtained by the parents of any children included and they are wearing an authorisation sticker. Parents/guardians MUST NOT post photographs on social network sites or take pictures of other children within the club without permission. The Use of Mobile Phones: No Club staff or volunteer is permitted to use personal mobile phones under any circumstances whilst undertaking duties within the club on poolside or in the changing areas.

Penzance SA & WPC Safeguarding Updated: K. Blewett-Hill 2020 8 | Page The Policy was adopted at a meeting of: Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club Held on (date) Proposed date to be reviewed Responsible person Terry Mullins (or current Chairperson)

Club Equity Policy Statement



Click the hyperlink above.

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for swimmers from ALL disciplines General Behaviour:

1. Please sign in with your Teacher/Coach on poolside shortly before your session starts. 2. If you should arrive at the Leisure Centre early please remember that you are still representing the Club and therefore respectful behaviour throughout the building is expected. Don’t let your Club down! 3. Treat all members of the Club with due respect including fellow swimmers, Coaches, Team Managers and Officials. 4. Treat all competitors and representatives from competing Clubs, Leisure Centre staff and members of the public with due respect, and obey the pool rules. 5. The use of inappropriate or abusive language, bullying, harassment, discrimination or physical violence will not be tolerated and could result in action being taken in line with the Club Disciplinary Code. 6. Details of the Club Welfare Officer and “Child Power – Your Voice” leaflets are available at the notice board to anyone requiring them. Please also refer to the Club website – Swimming Training: 1. Arrive in good time for your session with all your equipment i.e. hat, goggles, fins, etc - and a DRINK. If you are late for any reason please offer an apology to the Teacher/Coach.

2. All shoes are to be removed before entering the cubicle/shower area. Please use a locker – do not leave your belongings in cubicles – you must be responsible for your own property! Sensible and safe behaviour is expected in the cubicle/shower areas at all times. Shoes are to be carried out and put on in the Reception area after your session.

3. Inform the Teacher/Coach or poolside helper immediately if you need to leave the pool for any reason.

4. Listen to what your Teacher/Coach or poolside helper is telling you.

5. Always swim the complete length of the pool as you do in a race. Do not stop and stand in the lane as this can result in injury and/or disruption to other swimmers.

6. Do not skip lengths or sets – you are only cheating yourself!

7. Always practice turns as instructed.

8. Do not pull on the lane ropes as it may cause damage to them or cause injury to other swimmers.

9. Always think about what you are doing during training. General Competition: 1. Arrive in good time as directed by your Coach or Team Manager. In event of illness, please notify the Coach or Team Manager as quickly as possible. 2. At team events you must swim the races that the Head Coach has entered/selected you for unless agreed otherwise by prior agreement with the relevant Club Official. 3. For individual or Open events, be aware which events you are racing. Take a photocopy of your entry form before submitting it, or write a note of your events so that you know which ones you have entered. 4. Prepare yourself for the race. Follow nutritional advice in the days before the gala. 5. It is preferable for you to wear your Club shirt and hat when representing the Club. 6. Use your warm-up session properly by swimming, not playing or stopping in the lane. 7. Be part of the team. Stay with the team on poolside. If you need to leave poolside for any reason you must first check with the Team Manager. 8. Listen for your race to be announced, and go to the marshalling area in time as directed by the Team Manager. Have your hat and goggles ready and with you. 9. Support your team mates – everyone liked to be supported!

10. If a swim-down pool is available permission to use it must be obtained from a Team Manager - it is not to be used as time to play!

11. Report to the Coach before and after your race to receive feedback regarding times/splits. Additional Information for “away” Competitions: 1. Follow any instructions from the Team Manager, Coach and other Staff. 2. During travel remain properly seated and fully seat-belted whilst the vehicle is moving, and respect the vehicle and the driver. 3. All personal items, food and drink are to be kept tidy. All rubbish is to be placed in the bags provided. 4. No alcohol is to be taken on the trip. 5. Swimmers will not leave the accommodation alone or without permission, or wander off alone at Service Stations. 6. Swimmers are to comply with any curfew imposed by the Team Manager/Chaperone (i.e. to be in their own rooms at the given curfew time). 7. Swimmers are not to eat on poolside (subject to regulations). However, most pools do allow food to be consumed on poolside.

Code of Conduct for Swimming Coaches and Teachers

This Code is an extension to the ASA Code of Ethics. Both should be followed. The Teacher/Coach must:  Always place the well-being, health and safety of members above all considerations including developing performance.  At all times adhere to the ASA Code of Ethics, Rules and Laws.  Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.  Treat all swimmers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally, recognising their needs and abilities within the context of their sport.  Develop an appropriate working relationship with swimmers based on mutual trust and respect.  Meet the ASA commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.  Always ensure that all teaching, coaching and competition programmes are appropriate for the age, ability and experience of the individual swimmer.  Always identify and meet the needs of the individual swimmer as well as the needs of the team/squad.  Be fair and equal in team and training squad selection, such selection to be made primarily in consultation with the Senior Squad Coach, the Junior Squad Coach and the Competition Secretary.  Never exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward. In particular, Coaches must not use their position to establish or pursue a sexual or improper relationship with an athlete or someone close to them.  Encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance and to adhere to their Code of Conduct (available on  Continue to seek and maintain their own professional development in all areas in relation to coaching and teaching children.  Treat all information of a personal nature about individual swimmers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.  Encourage all swimmers to obey the spirit of the rules and laws, both in and out of the pool.  Co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other Coaches, Officials, Sport Scientists, Doctors, and Physiotherapists) in the best interests of the swimmer.  Never encourage or condone swimmers, volunteers, Officials or parents to violate the rules of the Club or the sport and report any violations appropriately.  Observe the authority and the decision of the Officials and only question those decisions in the appropriate manner.  Treat all competitors and other club teams with respect, whether that is in victory or defeat, and encourage all team members and fellow Club members to do the same.  Refer all concerns of a child safeguarding nature in line with the Club/ASA Safeguarding Children Policy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: 1. The ASA and British Swimming have committed themselves to tackling forms of discrimination and to strive to become inclusive of all those who want to participate in swimming (as competitors, Officials, Coaches and administrators) irrespective of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and faith and ability. 2. This Code of Conduct includes the Association’s commitment to address equality, diversity and inclusion in swimming. To this end the Association will not tolerate: a. Discrimination on the grounds set out in 1 above. b. Harassment. c. Bullying. d. Abusive or insensitive language. e. Inappropriate behaviour detrimental to any individuals or groups of individuals. 3. The ASA and British Swimming are governed by UK law and will seek to ensure that its participants are committed to addressing its responsibilities under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Equal Pay Act 1970, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Human Rights Act 1998, Disability Discrimination Act (Amendment) 2005, Equality Act 2006. 4. Committees, Officials and Volunteers in all aquatic disciplines must address this responsibility to support equality, diversity and inclusion in our sport. Any misdemeanours and breach of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the Club’s Disciplinary Code.

Code of Conduct for Parents Parents are expected to :

1. Complete and return the Membership and Consent Form plus the Medical and Consent Form as requested by the Club and detail any health concerns relevant to the child on the Consent Forms. Any changes in the state of the child’s health should be reported to the Club prior to coaching sessions/galas and the Consent Forms updated. Please also ensure the Club has up-to-date contact details for you, and an alternative person to contact in case of an emergency.

2. Ensure that payment of Membership and Term fees are made promptly when they fall due (see Welcome Letter for details).

3. Deliver and collect the child punctually to and from coaching sessions/galas. Please remember that your child is your responsibility unless they are in the pool. You should inform a member of the Committee or Coaching staff if there is an unavoidable problem.

4. If the Club changes your child’s lane and/or session time please remember that the change is to provide appropriate levels of training and enable your child to progress and such changes should be facilitated and encouraged at all times.

5. Ensure your child is properly and adequately equipped for the training session/events including all required equipment, ie. hat, goggles, etc.

6. Inform the Coach/Team Manager before a session if your child is to be collected early from a coaching session/gala, and if so by whom.

7. Ensure your child has read and understood their Code of Conduct and will obey the rules therein.

8. Behave responsibly as a spectator at training/galas and treat swimmers, Coaches, Team Managers, Committee Members and parents of your and other Clubs with due respect meeting the ASA commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

9. Ensure they do not use inappropriate language within the Club environment.

10. Show appreciation and support your child and all the team members. Teach them that they can only do their best!

11. Ensure your child’s needs are met in terms of nutritional needs and listen to advice given from the Club.

12. Support the Club Coach and Committee appropriately and raise any concerns you have in an appropriate manner. Details of the Club Welfare Officer and Complaints Procedure are located on the Club Notice Board and the Club website –

13. Not enter poolside unless requested to do so or in case of emergency. If you wish to have a discussion with the Coach please ask at the desk how this can be arranged.

14. Most of all, help your child enjoy the sport and achieve to the best of their ability. The Club will undertake to: a. Inform you at once if your child is ill and ensure their well-being until you are able to collect him/her. b. Ensure good Child Protection guidelines are followed at all times to keep your child safe. c. Ensure all activities are properly supervised/taught/coached and consent is obtained for any activity outside of that previously agreed. The Parent has a right to: a. make a complaint to the Club if they feel the Club or a member of the Club is not acting appropriate to ASA/Club laws and rules. Details of how to do this can be obtained from the Club Notice Board and the Club website – b. make a complaint on behalf of their child to the ASA. Any misdemeanours and breach of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the Club’s Disciplinary Code. 1. In signing this Code of Conduct I am confirming that I have read all of the Club Policies, including the Club Constitution, as outlined on the Club website – – or in the Club folder which is available upon request at the desk, and accept their terms and conditions.

Code of Conduct for those Committee Members, Officials and Volunteers

…who work directly with children in the Swimming Club You are required to:  At all times adhere to the ASA Code of Ethics, Rules and Laws.  At all times adhere to the ASA Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.  Adhere fully to the role and job description as outlined by the Club and never use that role to gain favour for yourself or any individual swimmer.  Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.  Treat all swimmers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally recognising their needs and ability within the context of the sport.  Encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.  Continue to seek and maintain your own development in line with your role and complete a Safeguarding Children in Sport course, if appropriate to your role.  Meet the ASA’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Treat all information of a personal nature about individual swimmers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.  Encourage all swimmers to obey the spirit of the rules and laws, both in and out of the pool.  Never encourage or condone swimmers, volunteers, Officials or parents to violate the rules of the Club or the sports and report any violations appropriately.  Observe the authority and the decision of the Officials and only question those decisions in the appropriate manner.  Treat all competitors and other club teams with respect, whether that is in victory or defeat, and encourage all team members and fellow Club members to do the same.  Refer all concerns of a Child Safeguarding nature in line with the Club/ASA Safeguarding Children Policy. Equality, diversity and inclusion: 1. The ASA and British Swimming have committed themselves to tackling forms of discrimination and to strive to become inclusive of all those who want to participate in swimming (as competitors, Officials, Coaches and administrators) irrespective of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and faith and ability. 2. This Code of Conduct includes the Association’s commitment to address equality, diversity and inclusion in swimming. To this end the Association will not tolerate: a. Discrimination on the grounds set out in 1 above. b. Harassment. c. Bullying. d. Abusive or insensitive language. e. Inappropriate behaviour detrimental to any individuals or groups of individuals. 3. The ASA and British Swimming are governed by UK law and will seek to ensure that is participants are committed to addressing its responsibilities under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Equal Pay Act 1970, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Human Rights Act 1998, Disability Discrimination Act (Amendment) 2005, Equality Act 2006. 4. Committees, Officials and volunteers in all aquatic disciplines must address this responsibility to support equality, diversity and inclusion in our sport. Any misdemeanours and breach of this Code of Conduct will be dealt in accordance with the Club’s Disciplinary Code.